My friend is giving her 5 year old daughter a Bird themed Birthday party this Saturday, and i asked if i could make the cake. I looked all over the internet to see cakes with Birds on them but couldn't find any that i liked, so i was and still most likely am going to make an Enchanted Tree Cake, as it has 2 blue birds in a nest at the top of the tree. It's from Debbie Brown's book "Enchanted Cakes for Children" i bought it and it get's here Thursday, si i will see how hard it is and decide wether to do it or not.
I did how ever make this extra cute, cute, cute did i say how cute it is Love Birds Cake. I have a Sugar Motifes Bible for cake decorating book, and it had a picture of 2 tiny blue love birds, so i took the idea and ran with it, it turned out agan SUPER CUTE :-)
Not bad for my 3rd Fondant cake i think.
I will sign off for now, i am baked and decorated out for today.